“Mediation”, “Rights”, “Children”. Three notions that were often found on an unbalanced plane, resolved or left waiting for something that would bring them to a balanced ground. And in the definition of equilibrium, bilateral quantitative equality is cited. But in a world where “I did” is put on the scales, balance requires qualitative mutual equality. Equality of rights, equality of opportunities, equality of what is called “human” and does not know gender or age. Such a balance, therefore, requires the slogan that today symbolizes Europe Day: Peace and unity. Meeting point of the ideal and the necessary. The premise of joint work and social welfare. And after each such vision cries the voice of its builders. The voice of children. Although this was a negligible voice for a long period, over time its permeability increased as a result of understanding its importance. However, this permeability must be complete for what we are to become what we want. Europe Day is a day of vision and that vision is Children’s Day. Today more than ever… Children for Europe.
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